Saturday, September 14, 2013

Just BEEing Friendly

Here's the BUZZZZZ...

This past Sunday I decided to try out a church down the street from our flat. I had heard that the 9:30 service was lively, had great music and attracted a large group from the Jesmond community. I thought this would be a great opportunity to meet some people as well as find a local church to attend. James was studying all day for his Unified Exam that was the following day; this left me braving a new group of people on my own.

Typical to my time table, I was running a little late as I rushed into the church right before the first hymn started. I sat down next to the only other person who looked under seventy years old. She seemed nice, in her twenties and like someone who could potentially be a friend. However, when I smiled she was dismissive and looked down at her hymn book. That was the first indication that she had no interest in socializing. The service continued; when it came time to greet my fellow parishioners I said good morning and asked my unfriendly neighbor if she always attended this church. She informed me that it was her first time. I asked what church she usually went to and she gave a short reply.  When I asked why she no longer went to the previous church she looked at me with a scowl and said, "Because it is too social, they all just want to be friends. I come to worship." After that I sincerely got the message and zipped my lips. However, I mentally noted the church she used to frequent. I will definitely try that out next week!

The church I attended is a Church of England, so they take communion every Sunday. However, instead of distributing individual plastic cups or dipping the bread in the chalice, like I am accustomed to, the entire congregation drinks from the same cup. I know I sound like a horrible person, but I just cannot get on board with that. All I think about is the backwash and germs spreading from the hundred (or so) other people in the church. As I told James, I'm sure God understands why I pretend to drink from the chalice.

When it was our turn to take communion the unfriendly girl sitting next to me got up and walked to the front of the church to take communion. While she was away I was innocently sitting in my pew when I heard a buzzing and felt something on my finger. A HUGE bee landed right on my index finger!! Of course I freaked out, squealed a little and shook my hand violently, which accidentally sent the bee flying directly into the unfriendly girls purse! When the girl came back I tried to tell her that a bee landed on me and flew into her purse when I shook it off. I warned her not to put her hand into her purse before looking because she might get stung! The girl just looked at me and without a word, lowered her head to pray. Was she praying for me to shut up? There was nothing else I could do! Hopefully she listened to my advice; only the bee knows the buzz.

The moral of the story, I suppose, is BEE nice to others, or you might get stung!

1 comment:

  1. Omg. Love this post. Made my day! :) Good luck finding friends. Miss you here in Grenada.
